We get it. Sometimes life goes speeding by so fast it seems like there’s hardly time to breathe. Little things get shoved to the side, until one day they become too big to ignore. That’s the way it is with hearing loss. Conversations get harder, particularly in crowded places. Your TV gets turned up louder and louder. And the sweet sounds of the natural world around you seem faded and more distant.
We can help. At Family Hearing and Tinnitus Centre, we help find the perfect hearing solutions for people just like you. Our tailored approach combines advanced hearing testing to determine whether a hearing aid might help you, sophisticated technology and, most important, caring and experienced professionals dedicated to helping you get back what you have lost.
Forget everything you think you know about hearing loss and hearing technology. Thanks to the incredible advances we’ve made in recent years, hearing aids and assistive devices are less noticeable – and more powerful – than ever before.
It’s your life: don’t wait one more day to reclaim all of the beautiful sounds that surround you. They’re still there, just waiting for you to take action. Call or text Family Hearing and Tinnitus Centre for an appointment today!
Meet Our Dedicated Team
At Family Hearing & Tinnitus Centre, our team is passionate about providing exceptional hearing loss solutions tailored to your needs.

Melissa Milkica Mitreski (Reg. H.I.S. AHIP)
Melissa, a proud Hamiltonian and Glendale Secondary graduate, brings her deep-rooted commitment to community and hard work into her role. As a Hearing Instrument Specialist and the owner, Melissa’s dedication to restoring hearing is matched only by her personal connection to the Hamilton community. Her expertise ensures that each client receives the most accurate and effective hearing solutions.

Silvana Vucic (Receptionist)
Silvana, a beloved member of our team for over 20 years, offers a warm and welcoming presence at our clinic. With a background in nursing and deep roots in the Glenview West area, Silvana’s friendly demeanour and extensive experience make her the perfect first point of contact for our patients.
Get Personalized Hearing Solutions
Ready to explore how our expert team can assist with your hearing needs? Contact us today for a no-obligation evaluation. Reach out to start your journey towards better hearing wellness.